So, while I was working at DownEast helping a customer she happened to mention that she is running boutique show in a couple of months. I asked her if she was looking for anymore vendors and she said she actually was! I gave her my information and she was going to contact me with how to apply. A few weeks went by and I didn't hear anything. Was a little disappointed but had a lot of personal things going on so it probably wasn't a good time to be focusing on something like that anyway. About a week ago that same customer came in and remembering who I was she said that she had lost my info but was still looking for a couple of vendors to fill a couple of holes. I didn't really care where I was put just as long as I got in the show! So with 2 weeks to go me and my sister-in-law decided to get a booth together and jump on the boutique show train! Luckily I've been ordered by a doctor to stay home and take things easy so I just lay in bed all day and make jewelry. Kind of awesome, especially over the weekend where I had conference going in the background! (Oh, please don't worry about the cause of me being laid up, I am going to be just fine by Monday :)) Well, I want ALL of you to PLEASE come to the boutique next weekend! I don't know if I've ever made so much jewelry in such little time (don't worry, still good quality) and I want you all to come see how hard me and Jen have worked! It will be held in the Provo Library Ballroom April 13-14. You can visit the website for the Bella Bazaar to get more information. This has also opened up a window for a future boutique in October at Thanksgiving Point! YAY!! I hope this goes well and maybe I'll even get my etsy shop back up and rocking! Please message me if you have any questions! Here are some photos to tease your senses....